The challenge
The client’s system was nearing its end-of-life and a new system needed to be implemented. During the transition, the old system needed to remain online.
The solution
The most critical problems in the old system were fixed first. This allowed for an extension to its life cycle.
The business-vital integrations between the client and their own end clients were first detached from the old system and then re-built. New functionality was then integrated into the old system. This reduced technical debt and made future integrations significantly easier.
With no interruptions caused by the modernisation of the system, no business was lost to the client.
Benefits to the client
Hublet is a custom platform that facilitates education, communication, and entertainment, all in a single package. The self-service tablet borrowing solution provides an accessible and functional gateway to the digital world. Hublet’s clients include libraries, hospitals, care homes, restaurants, hotels, and educational institutions.
The Digital Scout Petitions platform is a tool for collecting and processing development initiatives.
An intelligent system oversees, monitors, and manages units, regions, and equipment in manufacturing.
Remote monitoring solutions benefit housing, maintenance, and water companies.
Collaboration between two software houses began when developer Unikie needed more hands on deck.
Software developed, refined, and maintained by Trineria is an essential part of Varte’s everyday business.
Tapaturva provides a service called Tapaturva Laki, which businesses can use to stay on top of regulations in their respective fields.