
It’s good to share some thoughts
once in a while

On our News page we share our perceptions on current topics in technology and software development.

Latest articles
Owl: IoT -platform that grows with you

Owl: IoT -platform that grows with you

Owl connects machines, software, and automation. It adapts to your company's needs and grows with you. Start small, optimize production, and expand into AI and predictive maintenance.

More focus on excellent customer experience and value

More focus on excellent customer experience and value

Nadia Sabour has joined Trineria's team as Chief Sales and Marketing Officer (CSMO).

Strengthening employee experience building and collaborative learning

Strengthening employee experience building and collaborative learning

Anna-Leena Poukkanen has started as HR Manager at Trineria.

Trineria is now ISO 9001:2015 certified

Trineria is now ISO 9001:2015 certified

Trineria’s new quality management system meets the ISO 9001:2015 requirements.

A digital Scout Petitions platform for serving innovation and inclusion

A digital Scout Petitions platform for serving innovation and inclusion

The digital Scout Petitions platform is a tool for collecting and processing development initiatives.

Competitive edge for the manufacturing industry – six steps for purchasing software development

Competitive edge for the manufacturing industry – six steps for purchasing software development

It's easier to buy software development if you consider a few things from the start. We've put together six practical steps to make the software buying process easier for your company.

Interview with Leif Setälä by IteWiki

Interview with Leif Setälä by IteWiki

IteWiki's series of articles showcases software companies and the people behind them. Trineria, a developer of customised industrial internet software, is targeting 40-60% annual growth.

The OKR model brings strategy to the execution level

The OKR model brings strategy to the execution level

We adopted the OKR model at Trineria because we wanted to translate the company's new strategy into day-to-day work.

Work while you study - trainee at Trineria

Work while you study - trainee at Trineria

Justus Sydänmaa has started at Trineria as a Software Developer Trainee.

New year - new trinerian

New year - new trinerian

Johannes Manninen has started as a Software Developer. He brings with him a wealth of experience and expertise.

Thank you for the past year!

Thank you for the past year!

Trineria's CEO Leif Setälä's year-end greeting

Working as a female immigrant in the predominantly male software development field

Working as a female immigrant in the predominantly male software development field

I’m apparently the only non-native as well as the only female working as a developer for Trineria so far.The work itself is rarely boring and always challenging. There’s been steep learning curves.

Client story - Reductions to fuel and energy consumption for cruise ships with an automated control system

Client story - Reductions to fuel and energy consumption for cruise ships with an automated control system

An intelligent system oversees, monitors, and manages units, regions, and equipment in manufacturing.

The most productive months of the year are here – but does that productiveness extend to work processes?

The most productive months of the year are here – but does that productiveness extend to work processes?

There are two things companies and organisations are bad at: leading change and leveraging new IT technologies.

Client story -  remote metering systems for Koka Oy

Client story - remote metering systems for Koka Oy

Remote metering system helps in monitoring and controlling water use. The solutions benefit housing, maintenance, and water companies.

Realising a shared dream

Realising a shared dream

When I started my programming studies three years ago, a major motivator was the dream of being able to work remotely out of Lapland at some point.

Learning software development among the pros

Learning software development among the pros

Working on real projects teaches you not only coding, but also planning, time management, and teamwork

Platform independence brings a multitude of benefits to clients as well as developers

Platform independence brings a multitude of benefits to clients as well as developers

Although development may cost more, savings can then come in the form of better software functionality, as well as lower maintenance and data centre costs.

Concepts of time – coding conundrums

Concepts of time – coding conundrums

Instants, times of day, time zones etc. In the programmer’s mind, these concepts often conflate into a singular entity known as “time”.

Reinforcements to our project and client relations management

Reinforcements to our project and client relations management

We are pleased to introduce our new Project Manager, Juha Martikainen. Based in eastern Finland in the town of Joensuu, Juha’s education is in plastics engineering with specialisation in manufacturing technology.

Thoughts on my trainee period at Trineria

Thoughts on my trainee period at Trineria

I felt genuinely welcome from day one and that really motivates you to put your best foot forward.

Trineria employs more might and mastery

Trineria employs more might and mastery

Teemu Poikkijoki has taken on the role of Senior Software Developer. He brings extensive experience and expertise to Trineria.

New hire to take Trineria higher

New hire to take Trineria higher

Antti Kantola has just started as Junior Software Developer.

Environment – but also profitability – spearheading clean and energy-efficient products and services

Environment – but also profitability – spearheading clean and energy-efficient products and services

Big changes take a lot of time and technological innovation but optimising existing infrastructure and services can provide an extra push.

Are you our new Project Manager / Scrum Master?

Are you our new Project Manager / Scrum Master?

Our family is growing, and we need you, an active Project Manager / Scrum Master

We have clarified our services and continue to build Cleantech solutions

We have clarified our services and continue to build Cleantech solutions

We want to do our part in helping businesses embrace methodologies of the future.

Trineria in support of Ukraine

Trineria in support of Ukraine

We encourage our clients and partner companies to join us!

CBM course attendants were introduced to Trineria

CBM course attendants were introduced to Trineria

People attending a CBM course gathered at Trineria as part of the course’s team project. Leif Setälä attended as Trineria’s representative.

Trainee at Trineria

Trainee at Trineria

Amon Kivineva has just started a four-month trainee period at Trineria

Data driving action and competitiveness

Data driving action and competitiveness

Few businesses are fully aware of the data capital they possess. It’s often strewn about in different systems that don’t communicate with each other. What is the best way to leverage data for a competitive edge?

Trineria is recruiting fresh professionals for software development

Trineria is recruiting fresh professionals for software development

Our family is growing, and we need you, Senior Developer and Software Developer

CEO Leif Setälä – co-operation is the key to success

CEO Leif Setälä – co-operation is the key to success

Our actions in 2021 have created a solid ground to keep building on this year.

Myths of software development, busted

Myths of software development, busted

Many myths and antiquated ideas surround the development of software and systems.

Taking inventory management to a new level

Taking inventory management to a new level

Taking inventory is vital to most businesses. Some view it with dread, others with a little more positivity; as an opportunity.

The client at the core of agile development

The client at the core of agile development

Agile development provides fertile ground for co-operation between a software house and its clients.

How may we be of service?

Get in touch – let’s have a chat.

Our role in your project can comprise a full software production, from planning to production and maintenance, some temporary consultation, or anything in between. Contact us so we can have a chat!  

   +358 50 5760 803