System provider for industry

Reductions to fuel and energy consumption for cruise ships with an automated control system

An intelligent system oversees, monitors, and manages units, regions, and equipment in manufacturing.

The client is a developer and vendor of control systems employed in cruise ships. For designing their cruise ship systems, the client boasts years of experience and profound knowledge of the field.
At the core of development are functionality, form factors, energy consumption, safety, and life-cycle costs. They all factor into maximising efficiency. The company operates near ship owners and shipyards that do business in Finland, Germany, France, Italy, and the U.S.

The client’s challenge and square one

In cruise ships, propulsion and ventilation are the biggest power hogs but they’re certainly not the only ones. Control systems need power as well. Small adjustments to every bespoke piece of equipment over a long period of time can lead to significant savings. In an ideal situation, devices are only used when needed, but in reality, this is something that is very difficult to control with many other things going on at the same time.

The client needed a metering component to their existing system. Monitoring was not in real time and the system incurred significant licensing fees. They needed a smart system with functionality to schedule device operation.

Solving the challenge

Working closely with Trineria, an integrated system for monitoring, control, and consultation was developed. The system will bring notable reductions to fuel and energy costs by monitoring and controlling energy consumption and status of devices from the ship level down to individual devices. The system can not only tell the user where energy is expended but it can also help the user with monitoring and making itself better. A day of top-rated efficiency can be logged and then used as a benchmark going forward.

Features and functions are controlled with real-time status displays and a range of KPI metrics. The system can also offer load calculations for controlling dynamic ventilation. It can automatically limit loads according to available power. Optional control systems for food monitoring help improve not only general efficiency but the efficiency of the workforce as well. Logging and analysing HACCP data is the basis for better food safety management. The utilisation and diagnostics data from devices are key to more efficient maintenance.

Building the solution started from creating a statistical model. This was done by collecting data with PLCs in one second intervals. A web UI for real-time monitoring was also developed, and this UI can be forwarded to an external display. The client has been instrumental in developing the software as they have access to all the necessary testing equipment as well as the know-how on automation programming.

The software is under continuous development on areas like data collection. When a device or a set of devices is used, the system creates a statistical model of this usage. Based on this model, an estimation can be made on when a device is most likely going to be active. AI-assisted functionality takes usage data from the past month and adjusts device operation accordingly.

This provides the user with both a general and a more detailed view. The graphical user interface is also easy to learn. By clicking on items and product listings, the user can navigate and view different levels with ease.

Every 24-hour interval of usage is compared to a previously set optimal profile. The system displays changes in real power usage and turns devices on and off automatically. Staff members retain full control of devices pertinent to them, however.

Benefits to the client

  • The client has maintained a leading market position through a modern system.
  • End clients save on operation costs through reduced power consumption and better management of device utilisation levels.
  • Simple user interface provides real-time data on production status and usability. Benefits of machine learning can be leveraged for further development.
  • The system provides another way of reducing a ship’s emissions.


“What we have is a highly customised product. A product that calls for a flexible developer with both tenacity and comprehensive expertise. We have worked with Trineria for years, and they have an excellent grasp of our business, our field in general, and our needs.”




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