The holiday season provided a welcome relief from the rush to meet the year’s end. At the start of a new year a brief review of the previous year is in order. We’ve survived one more in the shadow of the Covid-19 pandemic. Another year of adapting, accommodating, and working hard. The pandemic has affected us all, but in vastly different ways. Some have found themselves without work, others have been less severely impacted. There are even those whose businesses have managed to benefit from all of this. The software business has managed to serve its clients in spite of the pandemic. Networks, software, and other IT services have to work seamlessly, and we’ve certainly avoided a lot of the damage that many others have had to endure.
At Trineria, every year has had a clear theme. 2021 will be remembered as the year when we clarified our own processes, re-structured our workflow, and recruited more professionals. These actions have created a solid ground to keep building on. Our current clients have been with us all the way. Our interactions have really sparred us and we’ve grown, evolved, and become stronger together. Things are coming up Trineria! All of this has made it possible for us to grow our family of workers as well as our revenue, neither of which would’ve been possible without our absolutely stupendous clients!
This year we expect to rise to a new level once again. The goal is to keep hiring more and growing more. One way of doing this is by providing new services. Special focus will be placed on boosting our work processes and skillsets. We also have some big plans for releasing our own platform, which will be done in concert with one of our clients. Co-operation will be the key to success this coming year as well. All of this will allow us to raise the quality of everything we provide, while also being able to offer our staff projects that are truly meaningful and interesting.
Trineria’s goal is to make usable systems to all trailblazers who dare to step outside the box and challenge themselves. These pioneers will pave the way that everyone else will follow into the future.
Leif Setälä
CEO, Trineria Oy
Nadia Sabour has joined Trineria's team as Chief Sales and Marketing Officer (CSMO).
Anna-Leena Poukkanen has started as HR Manager at Trineria.
Trineria’s new quality management system meets the ISO 9001:2015 requirements.
The digital Scout Petitions platform is a tool for collecting and processing development initiatives.
It's easier to buy software development if you consider a few things from the start. We've put together six practical steps to make the software buying process easier for your company.
IteWiki's series of articles showcases software companies and the people behind them. Trineria, a developer of customised industrial internet software, is targeting 40-60% annual growth.
We adopted the OKR model at Trineria because we wanted to translate the company's new strategy into day-to-day work.
Justus Sydänmaa has started at Trineria as a Software Developer Trainee.
Johannes Manninen has started as a Software Developer. He brings with him a wealth of experience and expertise.