Most people don’t make their living developing software, which is why there exists a quite a number of myths and obsolete impressions surrounding this field. Some people even see software development as a bugbear that should be avoided at all costs. On the contrary, modern software development is anything but some massive and rigid cog that runs on money, which is why we decided to bust some myths around software development.
Software development is always expensive.
Software development projects are often thought of as being costly and unreliable projects where budgets break and the final result always ends up being more expensive than initially estimated. Sometimes you’re struck with the realisation that valuable working hours have been wasted on ironing out superfluous features. Of course, the size, style, and feature set all contribute to the final price tag. But today, many different types of software projects can be had for cost-effective pricing.
Agile software development makes it possible for a software project to have an agile budget as well. Best results are achieved by focussing the budget on the development of the most important functionality. Agile development is done through short sprints. Each sprint has its own goals, schedule, and budget. A sprint usually lasts for a few weeks, after which the functionality created during the sprint is reviewed. After this, a decision is made where the next portion of the budget goes. This makes it easier to keep track of the budget while making sure it’s not exceeded. The client decides for themselves how much money to spend on the project.
Technology dictates how software is developed.
Many are under the impression that the functionality of finished software is dictated according to what’s technically possible. While technical aspects do affect the implementation of certain things, what should remain at the heart of software development are the client’s needs and wishes. It’s the software house’s job to find out how to achieve the requested functionality in a cost-effective manner, while taking into account further development possibilities. The end result dictates which technology gets chosen.
You should assess your options carefully when deciding on a software house that fits your needs. Some specialise in certain technologies; others may have the flexibility to carry out projects on different platforms using different programming languages. Trineria’s clients are often amazed at the breadth of know-how our small software house possesses.
Features of finished software should be laid out with pinpoint accuracy on day one of development.
The traditional waterfall model for software development requires even minute details of a project to be known from the start. In reality, and nearly without fail, software projects tend to change along the way as the priorities of different functionality become clearer through test-user feedback. In the traditional model, very rarely are enough resources (schedule or budget-wise) allocated to accommodate for changes, resulting in the project going over schedule and over budget.
Agile software development – quite eponymously – makes it possible to be agile when developing software. Thanks to the sprint-based development cycle, small segments of the software are completed regularly. Smaller segments can be developed further based on feedback and goals as they become clearer. Each sprint gets its own goals, schedules, and budget, all of which help in placing development focus on the most critical functionality. This not only ensures the highest ROI on the invested time and money, but it also results in a more functional end product that corresponds to the goals set for the project. In agile software development, starting a project only requires a general outline and a rough idea of the software that’s being developed. The remaining details get ironed out through cordial co-operation as the project moves forward.
Software developers are asocial introverts.
Many hold the belief that software developers are all badly-postured nerds who hack away at their computers in dark rooms, never to be seen in the outside world. It takes all sorts, sure enough, but more often than not, software developers are just regular people. In the ideal situation, a software developer can become an important part of a client’s team, especially when they’ve chosen a developer who’s genuinely interested in developing your business and the software that supports it.
Agile software development is carried out in close co-operation with the client, through back-and-forth and continuous co-development. Modern-day software developers are often creative, social, and motivated actors. Best results are achieved when creating together, with a developer whose technical skills meet a client’s wishes and needs.
Software projects take a long time.
Years ago, it was commonly thought that a software project constituted a years-long commitment. The end goal loomed somewhere far in the future, and the project took blood, sweat, and tears. With the right model, software development can be quite a bit lighter too. The sprints employed in agile software development last from one week to a month, with every sprint seeing the completion of one segment of the final software. In the agile model, development focus is always placed on critical features, resulting in a faster release of an initial version. The ability to collect user feedback and address issues mid-development results in an end product that is of higher quality as well.
To reiterate, modern software development doesn’t have to be expensive, time-consuming, and complicated. With agile software development, it’s possible to create software cost-effectively and with speed and agility!
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